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The Orkin Approach


We’ll inspect your home from top to bottom, inside and out, for current or potential pest


We’ll treat the perimeter of your structure with the appropriate materials, remove all accessible spiderwebs and wasp nests, and use the safest methods available.


We’ll do everything we can to keep insects out—seal, caulk, plug, and secure gaps and cracks.

Keep Watch

We’ll treat the interior of your home and install pest monitors in critical areas such as kitchens, baths, utility rooms, and garages.


We’ll always provide a detailed report of services rendered and recommendations to help keep your home free of pests.

Follow Up

We’ll stay in touch between our regularly scheduled visits and respond to any immediate needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did I get roof rats?

Roof rats can fit through holes as small as one-half inch in diameter. Because they prefer to be high in the air, these rodents may climb on power lines or tree branches to get on the roof.

Entry Points

These rats have no problem reaching almost any area of the house, so many homeowners struggle to keep these pests out. These rodents often enter homes from:

  • Chewing entry holes

  • Damaged vent covers

  • Gaps in shingles

  • Squeezing through cracks

How serious are roof rats?

Roof rats can cause extensive and costly damage from:

  • Chewing on electrical wires

  • Damaging furniture and storage boxes

  • Ripping up insulation


Roof rats spread diseases like salmonellosis through pantry foods contaminated with their droppings. These rats can also transmit rat bite fever through bacteria in their mouth. Trichinosis may be contracted through eating undercooked meat of animals that have fed on rats. Rats contaminating food or food preparation surfaces can transmit food poisoning.

Roof rats are the principle reservoir of plague throughout the world. Historically, infected fleas have transmitted serious plagues from rats to humans. Bubonic plague was a scourge in Europe several times throughout history. There are still outbreaks of plague in the United States and around the world today.


Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is transferred via inhalation of:

How Do They Transfer Diseases?

Common ways roof rats transmit diseases are from:

  • Bites

  • Contamination

  • Droppings

  • Fleas that feed on the rodents

  • Physical contact

What are the signs of a roof rat infestation?


Droppings are a good indicator of roof rat activity. Their droppings are 12 to 13 mm with pointed ends, whereas Norway rat droppings are 18 to 20 mm and capsule shaped.

Grease Marks

Grease marks along surfaces can be signs of an infestation. Grease marks are produced as the rodent travels along an edge, and the oils in their fur are deposited.

Visual Sightings

Sightings of live or dead rodents indicate rodent activity. If roof rats are seen exposed, it often indicates their hiding spaces are all filled by other rats or that they have been disturbed, such as by construction. You can find indoor nests constructed in insulation area including attics.

How did I get Norway rats?

Norway rats will gnaw away parts of the home to enlarge a potential entryway and often burrow their way inside by digging. Older buildings with poor construction and maintenance are at a higher risk for rodent problems.

What Attracts Them?

These rats are accomplished diggers and burrowers, so they are attracted to yards with:

  • Gardens

  • Uncut grass

  • Thick shrubs


Norway rats get into homes by entering through gaps and crevices. Rats can fit through holes as small as 1/2 inch. Their most common entryways are:

  • Gaps under doors

  • Holes from utility and plumbing lines

  • Poorly fitting crawlspace doors

  • Poorly maintained wall and foundation vents

How serious are Norway rats?


Norway rats can be carriers of various diseases that can transfer to humans through rat urine and feces.


These rodents often severely damage building interiors by:

  • Chewing on wiring or belongings

  • Contaminating food

  • Damaging foundations with their burrows

What are the signs of a Norway rat infestation?

Some signs of a Norway rat infestation include:

  • Droppings: One of the most well-known signs of a Norway rat infestation are their droppings. These droppings are capsule-shaped and are 1.8 to 2.0 cm long. They can be found scattered along frequently traveled rodent pathways.

  • Gnaw Marks: Another sign of these rodents are their gnaw markings on food and objects such as utility lines.

  • Grease Stains: Rub marks or grease stains caused by rats running along an edge also can indicate activity. In general, the darker the stain, the greater the activity.

  • Visual Sightings: Sightings of these pests during the day often indicate large infestations. Outdoor sightings of burrows surrounding the building may be an indication of their nests.

How did I get cotton rats?

Leaving open bowls of pet food in yards and on porches can attract cotton rats. These pests may also enter homes through open holes in structures looking for food and shelter.

How serious are cotton rats?

Cotton rats are agricultural pests that may cause considerable damage to row crops. They live in grassy areas and feed on plants in crop fields and gardens. These rats are not usually structural pests, they can invade buildings, especially if they find food available.

These rats chew on grass and pile it up along soiled pathways. Yellow or greenish colored fecal pellets often build up near areas where these pests thrive that cause contamination.

The hispid cotton rat is medically important because it is a host for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). This disease can become airborne when rat droppings or carcasses are disturbed and people who inhale the airborne virus can become infected. These rats have also been found infected with plague and murine typhus.

What are the signs of a cotton rat infestation?

Possible signs of a cotton rat infestation include:

  • Droppings

  • Rodent sightings

  • Shallow burrows with multiple entrances

How did I get field mice?

The common name field mice includes a wide variety of small rodents and one of the most important is the domestic house mouse. These rodents possess an almost unbelievable ability to get into homes since they are able to climb, jump, swim, and gnaw their way into structures. They often enter through open doors or windows, holes in roofs, plus holes in foundations and siding that are more than only ¼ inch in diameter. After getting inside, they usually nest in attics, walls, voids under and behind cabinets and even under appliances.

These rodents are highly aware of their surroundings and spend time exploring their environment. They eventually memorize pathways as well as where to locate food and shelter. This allows them to find entry points into houses in almost any situation and once inside, navigate a familiar environment at nighttime.

How serious are field mice?

In some cases, field mice cause extensive damage when they enter homes. For example, they contaminate stored foods with their feces or urine and gnaw on food containers and other items inside the home. Mice also can cause fires should they gnaw on electrical wires. Homeowners with field mouse infestations are at risk for food poisoning, tick-borne diseases, and other health issues. Field mice can also bring fleas and mites inside if they infest the home.

The pests also chew through wires, rip up insulation, and destroy stored items in attics and garages. Fecal droppings, rub marks left by their oily fur rubbing up against surfaces, plus gnaw marks on wood, wiring, or plastic are often the first signs of a field mouse problem in homes.

How did I get deer mice?

Deer mice are attracted to homes with plenty of vegetation and protective sites with piles of rocks or firewood in the yard. These pests may sneak into cabins and barns as well as homes in residential suburban and rural areas when cold weather hits.

These mice are small and move indoors through tiny openings near the ground. They may also climb to upper floors using vines and tree branches to sneak into attics.

How serious are deer mice?

Deer mice have several problematic habits inside homes. They build messy nests inside stored furniture or mattresses and cache food indoors. These stored nuts and fruits may attract insects and other pests into the home.


Deer mice may appear harmless, but they are known carriers of dangerous diseases that may spread through mouse parasites or contaminated food. Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) should not be confused with one of the important reservoirs of Lyme disease, the white-footed deer mouse (Peromyscus leucopus).


These rodents are one of the main carriers of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, an illness transmitted through their waste. People who try to clean up their droppings or who simply live in an infested building may inhale this airborne virus.

How did I get house mice?

House mice can use even dime-sized cracks to gain entry into homes. They seek shelter indoors to escape inclement weather or predators like snakes and coyotes and to locate food sources. Cluttered attics and basements provide excellent hiding places for the pests to build nests and reproduce, while dirty dishes and unsealed pantry goods offer food sources. Wall voids and voids under cabinets are also likely places for mice to live.

How serious are house mice?

Because house mice thrive under a wide range of conditions, are secretive and very cautious, they are hard to control. The pests are rarely apt to bite someone, but their presence can be harmful to human health.

Their droppings and urine contaminate food and if the population is not controlled house mice can cause contamination problems in places where they nest. Diseases that can be transmitted by house mice include lymphocytic choriomeningitis and food poisoning.

What are the signs of a house mouse infestation?

What are the signs of a deer mice infestation?

Signs of a deer mice infestation includes:

How did I get crane flies?

In the fall and spring, lawns near wooded areas or open fields often have a population of crane flies. In their mature form, the adult females lay eggs in grass. Dampness and heavy rainfall increase their numbers.

How serious are crane flies?

Only in their larval state do these pests cause any real damage. After they hatch, crane fly larvae eat grass crowns and roots, leaving large brown patches on lawns. As adults, the insects are mostly a nuisance.

Mature crane flies often annoy residents when they fly into homes and bump against the walls or ceilings. Although they look like giant mosquitoes, the pests do not bite people or feed on blood. Since adult crane flies only live a few days, an entire generation may perish at the same time, creating foul-smelling piles of dead insects on sidewalks and driveways.

How did I get Drains flies?

If these flies are present in the house there is almost certainly a slow or clogged drain. Drain flies gather, mate, and lay eggs in moisture or standing water. The slimy film that forms in sewers and drains is a favorite breeding spot. Putting off regular cleaning and maintenance of these areas may attract the pests and offer them a place to feed and develop.

These pests are particularly likely to be found in bathrooms and kitchens, typically getting into homes through:

  • Basements

  • Drains

  • Windows

How serious are drains flies?

These pests are a nuisance because they infest in large numbers. Once inside, drain flies may plug pipes and spread bacteria from the filth they live in, possibly contaminating food in the process. These pests, even though they live in filth, are not known to spread any disease to humans.

What are the signs of a train fly infestation?

As with most flies, the most noticeable sign of drain flies are the adults. They typically are seen resting on the walls in bathrooms or near the breeding materials. Larvae also may be observed wriggling in the breeding material.

How do I control cockroaches?

Cockroaches can wreak havoc on your home. To win the war in cockroach control, here’s what you should know:

  • Entry: Cockroaches can enter your home in many different ways, from the outside through cracks and crevices, vents, sewer and drain pipes. We even bring them in on products like grocery bags, boxes, purses and on our person!

  • Ideal Environment: Your home is an ideal breeding ground for certain pest species of cockroaches. With plenty of food, warmth, water and nesting sites, they can remain active all year round.

  • Reproduction: Cockroaches reproduce quickly. For every one you see there can be many, many more hiding and multiplying behind your walls.

  • Evasiveness: Because cockroaches typically are nocturnal, if you’ve seen one, you probably haven’t seen them all. The few cockroaches you see by day could mean they were likely forced out by overcrowding; a possible sign of severe infestation.

  • Allergies/Asthma: The debris created by cast-off cockroach skins, dead bodies and droppings can aggravate allergies, especially in children and sensitive individuals.

  • Do it yourself ineffectiveness: Cockroaches are better at hiding than you are at finding them, and their eggs are naturally protected from many over-the-counter insecticides. Without special equipment, materials and know-how, cockroach control can be a losing battle.

Are rodents cause for concern?

In addition to being tough to control, rodents may carry diseases and taint food with waste, fur, and saliva. In fact, mice can contaminate about 10 times the amount of food they eat. The CDC links some rodents to hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, a disease fatal in about 36 percent of all reported U.S. cases.

The pests are also hosts for fleas, which can spread plague and diseases like lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. This illness mostly affects those with weakened immune systems and may result in headaches, fever, and meningitis. It can also cause complications during pregnancy.

It is not advisable to handle any wild rodent. They are equipped with large teeth and are capable of transmitting a variety of bacteria, viruses and diseases through their saliva, feces and urine.

If you locate a rodent within your home, it is best to contact a pest management professional for removal and identification. The presence of one rodent within a home could signal an infestation.

Keep all children and pets away from the rodent. If cornered, the rodent will bite to defend itself.

Where do rodents live?

Rodents thrive across the world in almost any habitat with access to food and water. Because of their small size, they can be difficult to keep out of a home. Rats can get indoors through holes the size of a quarter, while mice can use gaps the size of a dime to come inside.

What is a rodent?

Rodents are a group of nuisance pests that includes mice, rats, and squirrels. These animals can contaminate food, damage property, and spread disease. The rodents that most often come into conflict with people in the United States are:

  • Instincts: Rats are instinctively wary of things new to their environment, including rat control measures such as traps and bait, and colonize in attics, burrows, under
  • concrete and porches, in wall voids and other hard-to-reach places.
  • Disease: Rats can harbor and transmit a number of serious diseases. They can also introduce disease-carrying parasites such as fleas and ticks into your home.

Read more information about rats.

  • Access: Mice invade your home seeking food, water and warmth.
  • Contamination: Each mouse can contaminate much more food than it eats.
    Read more information about mice.

What can I do to prevent rodent infestations?

Prevention methods should be implemented early in order to maintain a rodent-free home. Rodents reproduce rapidly, and small populations become full-blown infestations in very little time.

Food storage

Keep any possible food sources away from rodents. Small crumbs and garbage are popular sources of infestation, as are dry goods such as grains and cereals. These should be kept in sealed metal or glass containers to prevent contamination. Fruits and vegetables should also be stored properly, and resulting waste should never be left in sinks or on counters.


Cardboard objects prove attractive to rodents, as they tend to chew them up for use in their nests.
Seal openings.

Because of the rodents’ body plan, they are capable of squeezing through spaces that appear to be much too small for them. All such holes should be sealed to prevent entry and reentry of rodents.

A pest control professional should be contacted for assistance.

Lifecycle & Reproduction

Rodents tend to be rapid breeders. Some species breed year-round, and populations are maintained through constant reproduction. Females produce pheromones that attract the attention of males. After sensing the female’s hormones, the male mouse emits an ultrasonic mating call.

A female mouse produces between five and eight offspring after mating. Although females are protective of their young, some also consume their offspring if exposed to high stress such as famine.

Mice young are blind, deaf and hairless for the first three days following birth. For mice with dark adult coloration, pigmentation of the skin begins on the third day. Within five to seven days, fur begins to grow and the ears become receptive. Eyes open between days 10 and 14, at which point young mice become mobile and begin to feed on solid foods.

In 21 to 28 days, babies wean from their mother’s milk. They reach maturity between days 28 and 35 and are then capable of reproduction. Some specimens are capable of breeding at six weeks. Mice tend to live for approximately one year.

Infestation & Control

Rodents are some of the most adaptable creatures on the planet and can be extremely difficult to exterminate. Infestations can cause considerable damage to infested buildings and local agriculture as well as the proliferation of many diseases hazardous to humans.

Rats and mice are both extremely destructive within agricultural communities. A number of species feed on seeds and grains. The feces and urine of some rodents may contaminate surfaces with which they come into contact.

Unified efforts on the part of neighbors can prove extremely effective in preventing infestations. Within apartment buildings and neighborhoods, coordination of prevention measures may include cleaning efforts and landscape alteration. And on an individual level, homes can be rodent-proofed through identifying and sealing as many possible entry points.

In order to protect your home, garden and health from existing rodent infestations however, professional, customized solutions are often necessary.

What do termites look like?

Termites have soft bodies, pinchers and straight antennae. Colors range from white to light brown in color. Worker termites often appear lighter, while swarming termites are darker.

What are signs of a termite swarm?

Termites swarm after their original colony has reached a certain capacity level and is ready to expand. For most colonies, this happens once a year. Hundreds or even thousands of swarmers, called alates, are produced with the sole purpose of reproduction and expansion.

Do termites have wings?

Alates (swarmers) have wings and hard exoskeletons that may be very dark in color. Additionally, flying and swarming termites can be recognized by their prominent wings.

How big are termites?

Termites typically measure between 1/4 and 1/2 of an inch long.

How to prepare for termite treatment?

Check areas around the home for damaged wood, cast-off wings around the floor, and shelter tubes. Call an expert at Orkin for further investigation.

What does termite damage look like?

Most homeowners don’t notice they have termites until the damage has become costly and tough to fix. Home termite damage is a serious issue. It often ruins the structural integrity of a home. Residents rarely have the chance to inspect hidden areas like wall voids, so the pests tunnel and eat their way through rafters and studs uncontested, leading to collapsed supports.

Where do termites live?

There are about 50 different kinds of termite species found in North America and each of these species is categorized into one of three termite groups – subterranean, dampwood or drywood. Each termite group has distinctive environmental requirements and behaviors when it comes to whether or not they live in soil and where they construct their colonies.

How do termites get into your house?

Subterranean termite workers are the caste members that consume wood and they gain entrance into homes by building mud tubes that provide them a moist, protective passageway to get from one location to another. Workers generally gain access to houses by following their underground foraging tunnels, also known as exploratory tubes, to the foundation or underneath the house’s slab.

How long can termites go without food?

Termites can live only a few days without water, and only two weeks without food.

Can you get rid of termites completely?

Termites have been around for about 250 million years, making them an active contributor to our environment. In the U.S. alone, there are about 45 active species of termites. In fact, termites live in every U.S. state, except Alaska. While you cannot get rid of termites permanently from the environment, you can help prevent them from taking root in your home and control any active colonies nearby.

How do exterminators get rid of termites?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of termites. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective termite treatment plan for your home!

How much does an exterminator cost for termites?

The cost of a termite exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

What is a disinfectant?

A disinfectant is a chemical substance usually in liquid form that is used to kill germs or bacteria on surfaces.

How to keep your business clean

No matter the industry you are in having a clean business is key to keeping your employees and guests safe from germs and potential pests. There are several different ways to keep your business clean such as:

  • Having employees delegated cleaning tasks
  • Having employees clean during shifts
  • Having employees clean after shifts
  • Hiring a cleaning service
  • Create a checklist of areas to clean
  • Wipe down surfaces regularly that are high traffic areas
  • Encourage hand-washing with soap
  • Vacuuming regularly
  • Dispose trash properly
  • Make sure that common areas where food is consumed is maintained regularly

Why cleaning is important

Regular cleaning and disinfecting can help in removing potential allergens, germs, bacterias and help prevent illness of your employees and guests. Removal of dirt and dust can help with air quality and having a clean space can also help make a surrounding more pleasant. Cleaning regularly can also help in the prevention of pests.

Where is Orkin headquarters?

Orkin is proudly based in Atlanta, Georgia.

Who owns Orkin?

Orkin is a subsidiary of Rollins, Inc. (NYSE: ROL)

What is the Orkin Guarantee?

The Orkin guarantee provides peace of mind for residential and commercial customers, allowing 60 days complimentary service if you’re not satisfied with our work.

How much does Orkin pest control cost?

Orkin pest control cost varies by the nature, size and location of the pest infestation. Please contact your local Orkin office for a quote.

How does Orkin prevent pests?

Orkin helps prevent pests by offering tailored pest management solutions that complement the residence or office's unique situation.

What is pest control?

Pest control helps prevent pests from making your house your home. Orkin Pros do so by assessing your unique situation and tailoring a pest control plan to evict any termites, bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, and more.

Are pest control chemicals safe?

Pesticides designed for household insects are formulated at low concentration levels, and baits intended to eliminate ants or roaches are injected into cracks or put into plastic bait stations out of reach of children. Please speak to your Orkin Pro about any chemical-related concerns.

What is considered a pest infestation?

A pest infestation is when the pests feel comfortable enough to begin feeding and breeding in or near your home.

How long does it take for pest control to work?

Pest control results can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the pest and situation.

When should you spray for pests?

One should spray for pests when they have infiltrated your spaces, and you're concerned. It's advisable to contact a pest control service to assess the issue and offer a tailored solution to your pest problem.

How to treat yard for mosquitoes

Orkin mosquito service plans include a combination of treatments to break the mosquito's life cycle, preventing larvae from becoming breeding, biting, and potentially disease-carrying adults.

How to treat yard for ticks?

Tick control and prevention begins with an assessment of the property, and any subsequent plan will include proper treatment to areas frequented by ticks.

How to insulate attics?

Inadequate insulation can lead to heating and cooling loss, but OrkinTherm® or Orkin ComfortZone® can help prevent that as well as help provide protection against pests.

How to disinfect home?

VitalClean™ can help restore much-needed peace of mind thanks to minimal impact on your home with the lowest toxicity rating by the EPA. It's approved for kitchen use to control bacteria, viruses, and mold without the need to wash/rinse the area after application.

How to prevent squirrels on my roof?

An Orkin Pro can find and seal possible entry points such as vents, holes, and pipes to help your home stay secure and prevent curious squirrels.

What do termites look like?

Termites have soft bodies, pinchers and straight antennae. Colors range from white to light brown in color. Worker termites often appear lighter, while swarming termites are darker.

What are signs of a termite swarm?

Termites swarm after their original colony has reached a certain capacity level and is ready to expand. For most colonies, this happens once a year. Hundreds or even thousands of swarmers, called alates, are produced with the sole purpose of reproduction and expansion.

Do termites have wings?

Alates (swarmers) have wings and hard exoskeletons that may be very dark in color. Additionally, flying and swarming termites can be recognized by their prominent wings.

How big are termites?

Termites typically measure between 1/4 and 1/2 of an inch long.

How to prepare for termite treatment?

Check areas around the home for damaged wood, cast-off wings around the floor, and shelter tubes. Call an expert at Orkin for further investigation.

What does termite damage look like?

Most homeowners don’t notice they have termites until the damage has become costly and tough to fix. Home termite damage is a serious issue. It often ruins the structural integrity of a home. Residents rarely have the chance to inspect hidden areas like wall voids, so the pests tunnel and eat their way through rafters and studs uncontested, leading to collapsed supports.

Where do termites live?

There are about 50 different kinds of termite species found in North America and each of these species is categorized into one of three termite groups – subterranean, dampwood or drywood. Each termite group has distinctive environmental requirements and behaviors when it comes to whether or not they live in soil and where they construct their colonies.

How do termites get into your house?

Subterranean termite workers are the caste members that consume wood and they gain entrance into homes by building mud tubes that provide them a moist, protective passageway to get from one location to another. Workers generally gain access to houses by following their underground foraging tunnels, also known as exploratory tubes, to the foundation or underneath the house’s slab.

How long can termites go without food?

Termites can live only a few days without water, and only two weeks without food.

Can you get rid of termites completely?

Termites have been around for about 250 million years, making them an active contributor to our environment. In the U.S. alone, there are about 45 active species of termites. In fact, termites live in every U.S. state, except Alaska. While you cannot get rid of termites permanently from the environment, you can help prevent them from taking root in your home and control any active colonies nearby.

How do exterminators get rid of termites?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of termites. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective termite treatment plan for your home!

How much does an exterminator cost for termites?

The cost of a termite exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

How much is an Orkin home inspection?

Orkin’s goal is to give each customer a customized plan that that takes the home, problem, and surrounding environment into consideration. In short, prices will vary based on the infestation. Contact your local Orkin Pest Control Branch office for a quote.

Does Orkin give free inspections?

Orkin does not give free inspections, but you can get a quote from Orkin with no obligation. Call 855-453-3638, and a team member will be in touch with quotes as soon as possible.

How much does pest control cost?

Pest control varies by the degree of infestation plus its surrounding environment, so it's best to contact your local Orkin Pest Control Branch office for pricing. Your local office will be familiar with the landscape and can consider your unique pricing needs.

Why are there dead bugs after pest treatment?

Yes, it is normal (and even good news!) to see dead bugs showing up several days after treatment. That means the pest control is working.

How does Orkin treat bed bugs?

Bed bug treatments are very involved and often involve a variety of treatment products. An Orkin bed bug specialist will conduct a thorough inspection of your home, and then provide a customized solution for your problem. Depending on your unique situation, bed bug control can include conventional treatments with pesticides or heat treatments.

Can pest control get rid of mosquitoes?

Yes, pest control can help in getting rid of mosquitoes when there is an integrated effort involving source reduction and the use of chemical products when needed. Mosquito treatment can also help in the removal of other bugs such as spotted lanternflies.

How do I stop itching mosquito bites?

Applying ice or a cold pack can help with the inflammation, along with over-the-counter products like calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream.

Why do mosquitoes bite?

Female mosquitoes bite because they need blood to produce viable eggs that will hatch.

What do mosquitoes eat?

Mosquito larvae feed on algae and other organisms in water, while adults feed off sugary nectar. Only female mosquitoes consume blood that is needed to produce fertilized eggs.

What are mosquitoes attracted to me?

Mosquitoes land on people with Type O blood nearly twice as much as they land on people with Type A blood. Type B blood falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.

Where do mosquitoes live?

Mosquitoes are attracted to water sources that can be either clean and fresh or polluted, stagnant or "running," in sunny or shaded locations, large or small in size, and in either cool or hot environments.

How do exterminators get rid of mosquitoes?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of mosquitoes. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective mosquitoes treatment plan for your home.

How much does an exterminator cost for mosquitoes?

The cost of a mosquito exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

Where do flies lay eggs?

House flies lay their eggs in decaying organic matter like trash and animal feces; fruit flies lay their eggs in fruit and drain flies lay their eggs in drains.

What smells do flies hate?

Flies hate the smell of essential oils like lemongrass, peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus. They also dislike the smell of camphor, cinnamon, and cloves. For effective fly repellent and prevention, contact an Orkin Pro.

Are fruit flies harmful?

Bacteria and germs can stick to fruit fly bodies that may subsequently get on your food and transmit health problems like diarrhea or other gastro-intestinal diseases.

What causes fruit flies in the house?

Fruit flies may come in through your food products and because of their rapid reproduction rate, can infest the area quickly.

What causes a lot of flies in the house?

Flies can enter homes via food products (fruit flies) or drift in through open windows and doors. They may also be attracted to and develop in decaying organic matter in drains.

How do exterminators get rid of flies?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of flies. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective fly control plan for your home or business.

How much does an exterminator cost for flies?

The cost of a fly exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch for a comprehensive pest inspection and help get rid of flies.

Do fleas bite humans?

Fleas can and will readily bite humans since they live on the blood of mammals. Bites often occur in a cluster of two or three. People tend to be bitten around the feet, ankles, and lower legs.

Can fleas fly?

Fleas cannot fly, but they can jump very high and far in relation to their size.

Can fleas live on humans?

Fleas will bite humans, but they won't live on them.

How long can fleas live without a host?

A flea can live from up to a few days to two weeks without a host.

Can fleas live in carpet?

Yes, and high pile carpets are the perfect hiding place for fleas. Their exoskeletons make them crush-resistant when stepped on, which allows fleas in the carpet to thrive.

How do exterminators get rid of fleas?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of fleas. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective flea treatment plan for your home.

How much does an exterminator cost for fleas?

The cost of a flea exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

What do you do after flea extermination?

It is common to still see fleas 1-2 weeks after treatment. You should vacuum your carpets daily for the next couple of weeks following flea treatment. It also helps to dispose the vacuum bag in a trash can outside of your home each time after you vacuum. Other things you can do to prevent reinfestation are deep cleaning your house 2 weeks after treatment and wash your pet's bedding on a regular basis.

Do earwigs bite?

Earwigs don't bite and won't usually pinch humans unless they feel threatened.

What do earwigs eat?

Earwigs can eat a range of organic and decaying matter, including other insects, and plants, and flowers.

Are earwigs dangerous?

Earwigs aren't dangerous, but they're not friendly looking. If they pinch you, they'll rarely break the skin.

Why are there earwigs in my house?

Earwigs seek shelter from inclement weather, especially in moist or damp areas.

How do exterminators get rid of earwigs?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of earwigs. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective earwigs treatment plan for your home.

How much does an exterminator cost for earwigs?

The cost of a earwigs exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

Why do crickets chirp?

Male crickets chirp to attract female crickets as mates.

What do crickets eat?

These pests are omnivorous, meaning that they will eat: -Crops -Plant and animal-based materials -Seedlings

Can crickets fly?

Some crickets can fly, but they mostly hop or jump.

What attracts crickets in the house?

Homeowners dealing with crickets tend to draw the pests indoors through the attraction of bright outdoor lights, moisture in homes, and poorly sealed gaps that allow for entry.

How do crickets chirp?

Crickets often produce a series of two or three short, high-pitched sounds commonly known as chirping. They make these noises by rubbing their forewings together.

How do exterminators get rid of crickets?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of crickets. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective crickets treatment plan for your home.

How much does an exterminator cost for crickets?

The cost of a crickets exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

Do carpenter ants bite?

Carpenter ants will bite humans if they feel like their nest is threatened.

What do carpenter ants eat?

Carpenter ants, unlike termites, do not eat wood. Instead, they prefer feasting on living and dead insects or sugar sources in your pantry.

Do carpenter ants go away on their own?

Carpenter ants are hard to destroy because they may have multiple satellite nests. They'd rather expand in your home than leave.

Why is it dangerous to have carpenter ants in your home?

Carpenter ants excavate wooden structures to nest and live, so the structure of your home may be at risk if they're allowed to breed and expand.

How do I get rid of ants?

The small black ants you have seen may be odorous house ants. They typically nest outdoors. They make trails along the outside of windows and eaves of houses to enter kitchen areas to forage for various food materials. They are strong trail followers, so you may be able to see them outside and see where they are coming into the house. It is important to locate the nest, search the entry points and continue cleaning up as part of an inclusive program. Ant control is difficult and often requires follow-up visits. This service is best left to a professional Pest Specialist.

How do exterminators get rid of carpenter ants?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of carpenter ants. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective carpenter ants treatment plan for your home.

How much does an exterminator cost for carpenter ants?

The cost of a carpenter ants exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

Are centipedes & millipedes poisonous?

Centipedes are poisonous while millipedes are not — although millipedes can secrete defensive fluids, which may create allergic reactions.

Do centipedes bite?

Centipedes can bite, and inject venom through their front legs. Their venom produces a stinging sensation.

How many legs does a centipede or millipede have?

A fully equipped adult centipede can have between 15 and 177 pairs of legs. Meanwhile, most millipede species have about 300 legs.

What do centipedes and millipedes eat?

Centipedes are carnivorous creatures who enjoy spiders, worms, and other soft-bodied insects, while millipedes feast on decaying organic matter.

How do exterminators get rid of centipedes and millipedes?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of centipedes and millipedes. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective centipedes and millipedes treatment plan for your home.

How much does an exterminator cost for centipedes and millipedes?

The cost of a centipedes and millipedes exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

Do beetles bite?

Beetles can bite because they have chewing mouthparts. However, only a few species will bite humans.

What do beetles eat?

Most beetles are herbivores, but they can also feast on wood, fiber, linens, pantry items, and dead or organic matter.

Do beetles fly?

Yes, some species of beetles can fly, including Japanese beetles, ladybugs, and lightning bugs.

Where do beetles live?

Beetles live where they can find food, shelter, and a place to breed. They're attracted to your pantry, cupboards, carpeting, furniture, and more.

How many beetle species are there?

There are more than a quarter-million species of beetles in the world and 25,000 beetle species in North America alone.

How do exterminators get rid of beetles?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of beetles. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective beetles treatment plan for your home.

How much does an exterminator cost for beetles?

The cost of a beetle exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

How serious are rats?

It is not advisable to handle any wild rodent. They are equipped with large teeth and are capable of transmitting a variety of bacteria, viruses and diseases through their saliva, feces and urine. If you locate a rodent within your home, it is best to contact a pest management professional for removal and identification. The presence of one rodent within a home could signal an infestation. Keep all children and pets away from the rodent. If cornered, the rodent will bite to defend itself.

How can I control rats?

Prevention methods should be implemented early in order to maintain a rodent-free home. Rodents reproduce rapidly, and small populations become full-blown infestations in very little time. Keep any possible food sources away from rodents. Small crumbs and garbage are popular sources of infestation, as are dry goods such as grains and cereals. These should be kept in sealed metal or glass containers to prevent contamination. Fruits and vegetables should also be stored properly, and resulting waste should never be left in sinks or on counters. Cardboard objects prove attractive to rodents, as they tend to chew them up for use in their nests.

How do exterminators get rid of bed bugs?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of bed bugs. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective bed bug treatment plan for your home and learn more about what exterminators use for bed bugs.

Can bed bugs live in the cold?

With the ability to adapt to cooler temperatures, bed bugs can thrive in a number of conditions. The hitchhiking pests are not choosy when it comes to where they hide or who they feed on. As long as blood meals are available, a bed bug will persist.

Does bleach kill bed bugs?

Laundering your linens may temporarily rid them of bed bugs. However, bed bugs spread quickly, and are not easily exterminated by homeowners. Orkin bed bug treatments can include pesticides or heat treatments.

Where do bed bugs bite?

The short answer — wherever it suits them. Bed bugs feed on blood, so you, your family, and pets are their buffet table.

Do bed bugs jump?

Bed bugs do not have wings and are not capable of flight; they mostly move around by crawling or attaching themselves to hosts.

Where do bed bugs hide?

Bed bugs hide in linens such as bedding, furniture, luggage, or just about any place where there is a crack or crevice. They are nocturnal pests that bite people and feed on their blood during the night. As residents sleep, the insects leave their hiding spots to find a host. Home infestations typically occur in mattresses or couches.

How much does an exterminator cost for cockroaches?

The cost of a cockroach exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

How do exterminators get rid of cockroaches?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of cockroaches. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective roach treatment plan for your home, and answer roach control questions like, what to expect after exterminators spray for roaches.

Where do cockroaches live?

A cockroach is a resourceful pest able to survive almost anywhere that food, water, and shelter are available. Because humans have similar needs, it’s no fluke that the pests thrive in houses. Learn more.

How do I get cockroaches out of hiding?

Cockroaches live almost anywhere that food, water, and shelter are available which can include everything from cabinets under sinks to inside or under garbage cans, or near food prep areas. Learn more.

What attracts roaches to a home, even if it's a clean house?

When it comes to cockroaches, garbage, sewage, carrion, and crumbs are all fair game — if it's there, they'll eat it. Even the most spotless homes may have cockroaches lurking in the shadows. These pests can hitch a ride on infested items brought inside, or even enter through drains or sewer pipes. Learn more.

Are cockroaches dangerous?

Cockroaches might taint your food with E. coli and Salmonella, and may cause allergic reactions in some individuals by their cast-off cockroach skins, dead bodies, and droppings. Read more about the dangers of roaches and infestations.

Why do cockroaches come out at night?

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects, and they prefer dark, moist places to hide and breed. Learn more about signs of roach infestations.

How much does an exterminator cost for ants?

The cost of an ants exterminator varies depending on the pest control treatment plan. Get a free quote and contact your local Orkin Branch Office to request a comprehensive pest inspection from an Orkin Pro.

How do exterminators get rid of ants?

There are a variety of strategies an exterminator can use to get rid of ants in walls, window frames, and other hot spots in your house. Connect with an Orkin Pro to create an effective ants treatment plan for your home.

What are ants attracted to?

Ants are attracted to warm spaces where they can build their colony while still being near abundant food sources, moisture and protect the nest indoors or outdoors.

How do I keep ants out of the yard?

By destroying aphids and other sap-sucking vermin, ants will be less attracted to your yard. Also, pouring boiling water down evident ant colony holes may help. Removing yard debris and items that cover the ground will help reduce ant habitats.

What do ants eat?

Ants are omnivores and eat just about everything, including sap, plants, and other living or dead insects. They will also have a field day with human food.

How do I keep ants out of the house?

You can do your best to keep ants out of the house by storing food in airtight containers and sealing cracks and gaps where ants may be getting inside your home. Your Orkin Pro will identify the ants causing problems and tailor the control program to help protect your home from ant activity.

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