Gain confidence of deeper cleansing

It's a new era of hygiene and you never know how clean your business is. Orkin's VitalClean® service uses powerful antimicrobial therapies to help get rid of serious viruses, including the common cold virus, and COVID-19. So when you need the next level of hygiene that supports your pesticide program and a hygienic and healthy business, trust the pesticides from national leaders in pest control. While waiting for a reliable vaccine and safe treatment to allay the fears of Covid-19, building owners, property managers and site managers must work to get occupants back into the building with confidence now.Despite the advent of vaccines, we will have to learn how to live with the virus. Because the flu vaccine, which has been around for years, has not completely eradicated the flu, the same way that the Covid-19 vaccine could not be considered a magic pill would immediately restore the confidence of its occupants. Go back to the rebuilt environment. Therefore, building owners and managers of all types of assets are tasked with developing new plans that boost the confidence of occupants and customers that the building is safe to use and the equipment they have access to. Best to reduce risk. Of infection. This means that center managers are turning to their trusted partners to develop those plans and to get guidance and answers. This is a key point for cleaning professionals who are now cleaning to remove or disable viruses that cause epidemics. Now and to reduce the spread of disease.

What is ‘confidence cleaning’ & why it should not be confused with ‘deep cleaning’ or ‘hospital-grade disinfection

Manuela D’Agata, ISSA international education and certification director.We need to shift our perception of clean. Shifting from the visual inspection of  “does it look nice and smell nice” to ensuring that we are cleaning hygienically, removing and eliminating dangerous pathogens.Cleaning and proper disinfection are therefore important as they are making people stay and feel safe.But how do you define the level of cleaning and disinfection that is necessary to make people stay and feel safe? How do you most responsibly address your facility reopening and ongoing occupant protection?In this respect, ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, advocates for an approach called “Confidence cleaning”— a process involving proper risk assessment, followed by implementing all necessary steps for cleaning and, if needed, disinfection, providing assurance that the cleaned area is safe for use and occupancy.Confidence cleaning should not be confused with what many people have been calling deep cleaning or hospital-grade disinfection. The latter, which is advanced levels of disinfection, is not necessary for routine operation of a facility if there are no confirmed cases of the virus. These more advanced tactics are best reserved for when an actual case of an infectious disease has been confirmed in the facility, at which time, experts with specific forensic cleaning training can decontaminate the area.A critical part of confidence cleaning during a pandemic is assessing the risk of the virus entering the facility and being transmitted to additional occupants.  A proper risk assessment will identify the important areas, touch points and usage by customers, clients, visitors, etc. Then depending on the results of that risk assessment, a scalable protocol will be implemented.This will include the cleaning tasks, processes, procedures, frequencies, tools, and training that is required to effectively mitigate that risk for your specific facility.However, it is important to understand that risk mitigation is not risk elimination. No system in the world can guarantee that an infection will not occur, but every system in the world can undertake strategies that reduce the risks of infection.In this respect, the training and the education of our cleaning, disinfection, and response personnel are critical to conduct that risk assessment and to ensure preparedness in responding, reacting and recovering from biohazards.This applies to our in-house service providers, our contracted service providers, residential service providers, and more.Training and education are necessary to empower personnel to do their jobs well, both in their technical areas of excellence, and also in soft skills (communications, time management, teamwork, etc.). Well-trained staff are more effective and efficient in their job responsibilities. Plus, they feel respected and tend to stay longer.The current pandemic has made it clear how critical is for organisations and their teams to be responsive and resilience and the need of a well-trained workforce that can be flexible and able to adapt and change.In addition, both facilities managers and cleaning services providers need to prove they are the expert in the field and that they bring the know-how required to position themselves as the leaders in the field of cleaning for health.They need to be transparent on their strategies, tactics and activities and be able to communicate, and prove that they can deliver and achieve that level of professional cleaning for health that it is needed to ensure a safe return to the facilities in their communities.

Why choose VitalClean® to clean your business?

Powerful Commercial Disinfectant

When applied correctly, this powerful disinfectant will kill 100% of bacteria and viruses listed on the label on hard, non-porous surfaces and will also sanitize soft, porous surfaces.

Eco-Friendly and Low Toxicity

Clean doesn’t have to mean harsh. Our commercial disinfectant received the EPA’s lowest toxicity rating and is defined as “practically non-toxic and not an irritant."

Frontline Defense

Help protect the health and safety of your employees and customers with this commercial sanitizer. You can feel confident in your decision when you choose VitalClean.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a disinfectant?

A disinfectant is a chemical substance usually in liquid form that is used to kill germs or bacteria on surfaces.

How to keep your business clean

No matter the industry you are in having a clean business is key to keeping your employees and guests safe from germs and potential pests. There are several different ways to keep your business clean such as:

  • Having employees delegated cleaning tasks
  • Having employees clean during shifts
  • Having employees clean after shifts
  • Hiring a cleaning service
  • Create a checklist of areas to clean
  • Wipe down surfaces regularly that are high traffic areas
  • Encourage hand-washing with soap
  • Vacuuming regularly
  • Dispose trash properly
  • Make sure that common areas where food is consumed is maintained regularly

Why cleaning is important

Regular cleaning and disinfecting can help in removing potential allergens, germs, bacterias and help prevent illness of your employees and guests. Removal of dirt and dust can help with air quality and having a clean space can also help make a surrounding more pleasant. Cleaning regularly can also help in the prevention of pests.